And welcome to this first blog post.
My name is Elger Bouwman, I am the founder of the company and the carclub. Let me first introduce our team. Steven Berndtson has been working for MM since the start in 2019 and is responsable for the racing division. Steven has been in racing all his life, became a professional driver, drivers coach and today he is an excellent business manager. Chico Agustin and Adolfo Maldonado are our engineers that have both been working in motorsports for many many years. From race cars to super cars, they have seen them all before. Adolfo and Chico are here for our members to give any technical assistance needed. To keep all our team and members happy we have chef de cuisine Jet Beitler. Jet has been working in hospitality for years and made ‘taking care of people’ to an art. Saud El-Azem is the latest member of the MM team. Saud is a true icon for petrolheads in Spain and abroad. He has been running different car clubs in the past years and found with MM a 100% match in creating his own ideas how to run the perfect club. On instagram he can be found as the @AbarthRacer and with his 17.000 followers he truly is a well known character in the world of sportcars and racing.
It is January 2022 and we are ready to have more fun than ever before. The last couple of years made us all realize that our time and freedom is the most precious thing we have. Let’s get in our cars and enjoy it!
For the coming 2 weeks we have 2 events planned.
January the 9th: a Roadtrip to Antequera is on the agenda. We will enjoy a nice lunch and a proper drive through the mountains and by the lakes.
January the 15th: the first trackday of 2022 is planned in Almeria. With our transporter truck we bring our members race cars to the track and make a fun day with our full team in the sunny desert of Almeria.
I’ll keep you posted through instagram @mentalmotorsportsmalaga and this blog from time to time. Don’t forget to sign up as a member or a sponsor and start enjoying life full on!